Friday, February 08, 2008

I'm not so sure it's mine anymore

Did you ever have something in your life, that you would bet your life on, was yours? I'm talking, really and truly, bet your living being on it, was yours? What this shows me now, is no matter how old I get, I don't know anything for sure, well I few things I do know for sure, but this one I don't. If you weren't born with it, it ain't yours, (could this be my new cynical motto?)The winds are changing for me, I feel it. I am as afraid as a child. I do not know what to do.

1 comment:

Little-Duck said...

You have schrem mail. I'm not sure if you got it or not. It asks what's not yours and how it is you can reclaim it.

You haven't written in your blog since February. I hope you and yours are managing well.
