Thursday, September 17, 2009

Count down

I am methodically counting down the months before the two of you start college. It seems that you really feel that you can leave home, leave the state, and begin a entire new life. Ugh....I pray you're right. I'll miss the two of you in so many ways, but I won't miss the bickering sisters do....How did time pass so quickly? Where did it go? MY.GOD, I love you two so much. My heart is bursting with joy for you, as well as excitement! Could I maybe just follow the two of you around for a while? I'll be quiet I promise. Hey, I'll cook for you! I'll wash your clothes, run your errands, tuck you in at night, and make sure there are no boogie-men under your beds...What's that you say? "no"? I didn't think so. It's o.k., I am going to be alright, I'll carry you right here, right here in my heart. The two of you are going to make a difference in this world, I just know it! And if by chance there are any boogie-men around, I think I've taught you what to do...but just in case, call me, I'll be right there, I'm always right here for you. always and forever