Sunday, May 27, 2007

I know who I am

One thing for sure, when you start a business, you become acutely aware of your value system. You either hold you head high, or hang your head in shame. You become to know yourself very well. I made a promise to God several years ago, if I were ever to go into business, I would be on the up and up. While having dinner with my future partner and her husband last night, the opportunity presented itself to voice my opinion and knowledge on a certain subject. I did not sway, I am proud of that. By standing firm, I may not have made a huge difference in the world, but I made a dent. I am going to continue to stand firm on this, and I know I will prevail. As much agony as this "stand" may cause Chris and I, I feel our business will soar because of it. Doing the right thing isn't always easy, or popular, no one ever said it would be. One thing for sure, my father would be proud. Even though I have made many mistakes in my life, I know right from wrong. I have my mom and dad to thank for my values, in a way, it helps keep him alive.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Without you

Today was a hard day, the waves don't come as often, but when they do they crash. I've lived 818 days without you, and I swear I will always feel this emptiness. I am fulfilling a dream I've been having for years now, and I need you so. I broke down today in the shop, Chris asked what was so heavy on my mind.
Chris, why do you seem so sad today?
Me, I wish my Dad were here to share this with me.
Chris, he is here with you, who do you think brought us together?
Me, It doesn't feel the same as him being here in body.
Chris, I'm sorry you are so sad.

Dad, for the rest of my life I will miss you. I loved you so very, very much. Wow, I haven't cried this much in a long time. What I wouldn't give for one more hug.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I have been tagged..... in a NON-sexual way of course

Seven Things About Me......

Whew, it's hard to write about me, but here it goes.

1. Noise....... noise annoys the shit out of me, boom boxes, T.V. volume turned up past the number 9, no wait, 7, I think these things only bother me when I'm in thought about something, for instance as I write this my husband has opened (ripping noises) (right next to me...which is 10 feet away) 11 pieces of mail, and I'm biting my tongue, can't he do THAT out back in the field? Really though, I enjoy the sound of children's laughter, rock concerts, and musicals, go figure.

2. I have Menieres disease, which explains much of number 1. I have lived with a high pitched ringing in my ears, 24/7 for the past 14 years, so I am very sound sensitive, and sometimes irritable. I have had two surgeries for this, the latter one was brain surgery to sever my right vestibular nerve, I had to learn to walk again because my body had to adjust to having only one vestibular nerve.

3. I am a romantic...yep, a hopeless one at that.

4. I have the ability of using "sentence enhancers" that would make a sailor blush.

5. I loath June bugs, they creep me right out. One flew into my hair the other night, I flew out of my lawn chair and did a dance that would make the natives in the rain forests jealous. Don't those bugs know it's not June yet?

6. I am 47 1/2 years old/young, and I think I'm pretty cool. I have long hair, that I can't imagine changing...yet. My sense of humor isn't for everyone, but I'm finally o.k. with it. I feel comfortable in my own skin, even though it sags some. I'm in full-blown menopause, so at times I feel as though someone else is residing in my body. I have twin daughters from my first marriage, they are kind souls, and absolutely beautiful. My second marriage was to my best friend, and soul mate....I adore him, and he me, he is the love of my life, and I feel blessed beyond words.

7. I'd like to think I'm an optimist. I am the first to point out the good in just about everything.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I've been waiting for your call...

Mom, your phone call I expected last night, but by the time you arrived home, you were dead tired I suppose. I so loved hearing this morning of your little trip to the "Motor City" yesterday. A play, lunch, a mall.....I don't think you took a single breath when you told me all about it! I'm happy you're already looking forward to the next trip. You go mom! You go wherever you desire, spread your wings and fly! I'm feeling the same joy for you, as I'm sure you felt for me as a child, when you watched me hit a softball way out in the field. It felt really good ma, to listen to your voice.


As I walked into the shop yesterday afternoon, you were standing at the glass case trying on one of my pieces. Chris introduced us to each other. I was humbled you loved the piece so, I was humbled you told me you were drawn to it, I thanked you.
You- Chris tells me there is a story, or an inspiration to each one of your pieces. What inspired you to make this?
Me- Getting a little choked up, I answer, "My Father".
You- Now I understand why you named this, "I'll love you till the end of time". I loved my father deeply too.
Me- True love knows no end. My father was, and always will remain the first man that I loved.
You- My father has been gone now twenty years, and I still feel him around me, I still smell his pipe at times, he smoked Cherry Blend.
Me- So did mine.