Saturday, May 19, 2007

Without you

Today was a hard day, the waves don't come as often, but when they do they crash. I've lived 818 days without you, and I swear I will always feel this emptiness. I am fulfilling a dream I've been having for years now, and I need you so. I broke down today in the shop, Chris asked what was so heavy on my mind.
Chris, why do you seem so sad today?
Me, I wish my Dad were here to share this with me.
Chris, he is here with you, who do you think brought us together?
Me, It doesn't feel the same as him being here in body.
Chris, I'm sorry you are so sad.

Dad, for the rest of my life I will miss you. I loved you so very, very much. Wow, I haven't cried this much in a long time. What I wouldn't give for one more hug.


Linda@VS said...

Sending you a virtual hug -- not a "daddy hug," I know, but maybe you can use it anyway.

I'm glad your dream is coming true.

maxngabbie said...

Velvet, your hug meant a lot, thank you.
Also thank you for the good wishes. I'm sure I am more emotional now because I am very busy and tired with the opening of the store/studio being only 4 weeks away.
I may not be writing much, but I'll always find time to drop in on you ;)

Jackie's Garden said...

What a beautiful tribute to your father! Reading your blog, I envied you both your parents. It's wonderful your mother is going on with her life - it is true - that there is a season for all things.