Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where did time go?

What happens to time when it's gone? I swear it was only yesterday that you were 4 years old. You tell me today you're 17...I'm dumbfounded. If I look in the mirror, I see time has passed. I look at the two of you and still see two little girls, and I know it isn't fair, but I'm your mom, I can see what I choose, I believe it's a God given right. One year from now, you'll be graduating from high school...and you can bet I'm sweating it big time. What am I to do when you both are off to college? Who will need me? I am more afraid then you, I think?
Will you still need me? I have never been more afraid of anything in my life as much as this, this big change coming, I feel it, and as much as I want to fight it, it's gonna happen anyway. I listen to other parents, they talk about where their kid is going to college, they seem so upbeat about it all. I feel like a lost child, am I the only one? I feel like my heart is being ripped out, and the two of you don't even know. I wouldn't burden either one of you with my, well, faults.
If I were to ask God for one thing right now, it would be to slow this next year down, slow it to my pace, a pace where I can process what is happening.
By the way, the two of you looked beautiful today, like the beautiful young ladies you are.
Your Grandpa would be so very proud.

1 comment:

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