Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Reading between the lines

First snow day of the year yesterday, and surely not the last. Second born daughter came home after a night away, plopped down at the bar across from me looking weary.

Angie; Mom, how do I really know God is a merciful and forgiving God?
Me to self; what did ya do?
Angie; there is this boy at school in my prayer group that knows he is sinning, but still keeps doing it over and over.
Me to self again; what did ya do?

Now her tears are rolling down her cheeks.

Me to angie; now angie, if I as your earthly parent can forgive you for whatever you do, don't you think that the most perfect parent of all, can, and will forgive you if you ask?

angie; are you sure mom?
me to angie; this all didn't take place thousands of years ago, He is here and now, so you can go back to school and tell this boy that our God is a loving, forgiving God, and keep reminding him of that, ok?
angie; thanks mom
me to angie; do you feel better now?
angie; ya.
me to self; what did you do?


Soulful said...

"If I as your earthly parent can forgive you, don't you think the most perfect parent can?" Wow, that's powerful and wonderful.

Duly Inspired said...

I agree with Soulful. It's good to see your words again, by the way, but now it's almost mid-January and I miss seeing you here.