Sunday, October 19, 2008

They say there are several steps to dealing with death. Whether it is the actual death of someone you love, or the death of a relationship.
You have now moved to anger. In a way, I'm happy to see this, it means you're moving forward. You tell me you hate G*d right least you're still in communication with Him. Your sister and i had a long talk the other night, I told her of my plans, things I didn't want to have to do, but if you procede to scare me with your thoughts of ending your life, I would have no choice. In her wisdom of only 16 years, she looked at me, and told me only God can heal you. I placed my hand on her shoulder and cried. We are praying for you non-stop in this home. God gave you to me to care for, and take care of, I have failed at times, but you have gotten my attention big time.
When you and I talked today, I reminded you that God answers all prayers, it just might be what we don't want to hear. I know this is tough for you, believe me I know. You are worthy of all good in life, you are a beautiful young woman, with a heart of gold. I will not forsake you, nor will God. You can travel the world and no one can give you what our Lord can give you...please keep your heart open.
I'm so blessed to be your mom.

1 comment:

Duly Inspired said...

Oh bless you heart. I have you and your family in my prayers. What a challenging time you face and how brave your heart.