Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I have so much to say....

but no energy at all. I am like a spent bullet, only better, there is still life in me ;) My business is doing fantastic, for the first week anyway. The downside of owning a business is you have to deal with ALL sorts of people, maybe I'll finally learn patience. My partner is better at socializing with customers, since her personal life is full of socializing because of the status of her family. Me, I'm a behind the scenes kind of girl, I prefer to stay quiet, and I'm comfortable with just listening. But I swear, I must have this sign on my face that says, "please come to me and tell me about your life". Now here's a sentence for you, " I know more about people, that I don't even know, then I care to know". I'm not complaining, really, I find it sort of comical, in a way. I really miss writing my thoughts down, so I end up carrying them for days on end. Life will slow down after summer is over, I'm sure.........or maybe not.

1 comment:

Little-Duck said...

After people tell me their life story I ask them how they'd like to pay for the therapy session we just had. I tell them I take cash and credit cards but not checks or insurance. People tell me all sorts of things....all sorts of things that I really don't want to know....that I'm better off not knowing.

Forgive me but, I don't remember what type of business you're in.
